Education and Formation
Sunday School (Pre-K through Grade 6)
All children from three years old to those in the sixth grade are welcome to join classes on Sunday morning beginning at 9:45 a.m. (they join the congregation for the Holy Communion at the Peace.) Our Sunday school ministry provides Christian nurture for children using a variety of activities (art, music, and learning games) to help them grow up in faith and with the sure knowledge of their belonging in Christ to the people of God. Our classes are conducted by teams of faithful adult members of Grace Church.
During the year, we also have 'Family Sundays', occasions when the children join the congregation for the entire liturgy. They need to be with us and we need to be with them!
Nursery care is available on the second floor of the parish building for infants and toddlers each Sunday.
Children can be escorted to the nursery and remain there from 9:45 a.m. until the Peace when they join the congregation in worship or are cared for until the end of the service.
Journey to Adulthood (7th-12th Grades)
The parish family at Grace has been excited about incorporating Journey to Adulthood into the life of our youth. It is a six-year program of spiritual formation for our young people ages 12 through 18. The program endeavors to nourish our young people spiritually, while helping them to encounter and explore four main areas of personal development: self, spirituality, sexuality and society. The program assists in enabling our young people to discover and experience the love of God in their relationships with each other and in the world around them. All of this is happening at a time in their lives when so much of their world --- physical, emotional, and social --- is changing and transforming at an amazing rate.
Rite 13 assists young people ages 12 to 14 as they take the first steps of passage away from their families and into their own lives. We liturgically recognize these young people in the Celebration of Womanhood and Manhood. During the next two years, the parish community acknowledges the gift of gender, celebrates the amazing creative power and potential of our young people, and helps to create a safe place for them to explore new ideas, new interests and new abilities. Rite-13 meets Sundays after the 10 a.m. mass.
J2A – Journey to Adulthood , is also the name for the middle phase. It is the core program which blends action and contemplation in teaching our young people faithful living. It also helps them to understand and affirm Christian living. During this time the young people, ages 14 to 16, are also given an initial opportunity to be confirmed. They are acknowledged in the parish community as equipped for new levels of responsibility and leadership. In other words, they are fully recognized as young adults rather than children. J2A meets Sundays after the 10 a.m. mass.
Special Activities
Every year, seasonal special activities are planned: All Saints Group Activity, Christmas pageant; Palm Sunday program, which ushers us into the mystery and power of Holy Week and Easter; Stations of the Cross for children on Good Friday and more!
Thoughout the year, the Family, Faith and Fellowship Committee organizes family activities and support for parents.
There also are ongoing programs for adults, including weekly Bible Study and regular seminars and lectures.