Contact Us

Parish Office

Telephone No. (914) 949-2874  
Grace Episcopal Church / La Gracia
33 Church Street, White Plains, NY 10601

          Parish Office Hours:  Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM — 3:30 PM

                        Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Clergy and Staff
The Rev. Adolfo Moronta, Priest-In-Charge, Option 2, Ext. 150

Ms. Jackii Torres, Administrator, Option 1, Ext. 100 

Mr. Eduardo Huerta Rojas, Sexton, (914) 615-3919 

*** If you are in need of pastoral care please contact the Rev. Adolfo Moronta at (646) 379 - 3414.*** 

2024 Vestry Members 

Fr. Adolfo Moronta - Priest In Charge

Eileen McClean - Sr. Warden

George O'Hanlon Jr. Warden

Kevin Richards - Treasurer

Daisy Calderon 

Sorraya Sampson

Mary Baker

Camille Worrell

Sandy McAllister

Andrea Spencer